march, 2021

02mar01aprThe Summit Coaching Circle - Accomplish 1 Burning Goal in 30 DaysAccountability - and fun - ensures that goals get met!

Event Details

The goal of The Summit Coaching Circle is to give you the support, guidance, and inspiration you need to reach your objectives over three months.

Each member will articulate a specific set of (SMART) goals she wants to accomplish – broken into 30-day increments that are specific, measurable, attainable and timebound.

En route to achieving her goals, The Summit Circle offers:

2-hour Remote Summit Coaching Circle meeting/week.

The baseline service of the Circle is a weekly, remote meeting that will be scheduled according to each member’s availability. (e.g. during the school year, meetings will take place during school hours).

The meeting is structured to ensure that each member has the attention of the group for a specific period of time (approximately 20 minutes) to share progress towards her goals since the previous meeting including successes, challenges and new thinking in light of the previous month’s activities. This technique of undivided attention is often referred to as a “mastermind” and can be a very powerful way to propel you forward and for you to help propel fellow members forward.

Along with Circle members, I will ask questions, provide insights and point members towards additional resources (or a way to find them).

Each member will leave with her next set of steps for the following week and a tracking system to highlight successes and challenges.

30-minute coaching call.

In between the weekly 2-hour meetings, I will be available at a mutually convenient time for two 30-minute laser coaching call. During that time you get to choose the topic for discussion. Examples include, how to prioritize your next steps; how to move past stuck; how to find the resources you need to move forward. I can also simply act as a sounding board to help you stay on track.

The session is accelerated as a way to practice efficient communication skills – being prepared with questions that when addressed will allow you to move forward.


  • Reaching a goal you’ve been unable to achieve on your own
  • A community of women invested in your success
  • A forum to exchange empathy and success stories in a structured way
  • Access to answers for shared challenges
  • New, strategic connections and resources
  • Professional guidance to keep the group on track
  • Laser 1:1 professional coaching outside of the group setting
  • A community you can count on


Members in the group are highly motivated to reach their personal and/or professional goals and are seeking both support and accountability to do so.

Each member is willing to commit to four (conveniently scheduled) weekly meetings within 30 days.


1-month commitment

Words from former Circlers:

“In the outside world, I would never ask for help the way I did here.”

“I wasn’t used to the economy where I was the focus and could ask for help, and without any payment involved. Anything for the kids is fine, but not for myself.” 

“The brainstorming has really valuable – just to have permission not to have everything buttoned up and have it be okay. Because some of what we don’t have, particularly moms who are in the trenches – is a failure of imagination for our own lives – because of our responsibilities, our tension wheel is so short all the time.”

“Life is in the conversation. I figure nothing out unless I talk about it. This provided that place for me.”




March 2 (Tuesday) 10:00 am - April 1 (Thursday) 12:00 pm